
How a Simple Strength Training Routine Can Transform Your Running

If you’re a runner, there’s a good chance you know that strength training is important but also don’t make the time for it. However, strength training can improve your running times, form, and efficiency and reduce your risk of injury. It’s one of the most important changes I’ve made that has improved my running times. Read on to find out why strength training is important and how you can incorporate it into your routine.

How a Simple Strength Training Routine Can Transform Your Running Read More »

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Better Together: How to Pair Foods for Max Nutrition Benefit

Have you ever struggled with nutrition deficiencies? Or wondered why vitamins aren’t that beneficial for your health? A key element behind both of these things is the importance of how we cook our food and what we eat it with. Read on to find out how to cook and combine your food so that you get the maximum nutrition benefit from everything you are eating.

Better Together: How to Pair Foods for Max Nutrition Benefit Read More »

plateful of snacks and fruits for healthy light breakfast

How Your Chronotype Can Unlock Productivity

Have you ever noticed that some tasks are so much easier at certain times of the day? Do you feel like you need to take a nap at the same time every day and aren’t sure why? The answer may be your chronotype. Your chronotype influences the ideal time for you to wake up, sleep, work, and even socialize. Working with your chronotype can help you unlock efficiency and productivity you didn’t know you had. Read on for more.

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The Surprising Relationship Between Exercise and Hormones

Have you ever wondered why a workout suddenly feels so much harder than usual? How to work out on your period? Or whether your fitness routine is helping or harming your stress levels? The relationship between exercise and hormones is important and underappreciated. In this article, I discuss how exercise impacts your hormones, how to make sure you properly balance exercise and hormones, and how to maximize your workouts for your menstrual cycle (if relevant).

The Surprising Relationship Between Exercise and Hormones Read More »

photo of woman listening to music on earphones jogging down a paved street

My Eating Disorder Recovery Journey: From Restriction to Balance

It’s estimated that 9% of the U.S. population will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives. However, society’s glorification of skinniness can make eating disorders hard to recognize and overcome. In this post, I discuss my experience with anorexia and orthorexia and the steps I took to overcome an eating disorder.

My Eating Disorder Recovery Journey: From Restriction to Balance Read More »

strawberries and measuring tape