I love a good workout playlist. I always notice big improvements in my performance when I am listening to songs that pump me up and get me excited.
Plus, if you are a runner, your running playlist can help you run at the right cadence. Ideally, runners should aim for 170-180 steps per minute when they are running. The reason is that this cadence is the most mechanically efficient. It helps keep your feet under your body (rather than coming too far in front or behind your body, which is a recipe for injuries), it places less stress on your joints, and it makes for more efficient running. By listening to songs that have 170-180 beats per minute (BPM), you can more easily sync up your pace to the ideal steps per minute.
After regularly working out for multiple decades, I have my favorite go-to workout songs that I absolutely love. Fair warning, I’m an indie/pop/rock/punk rock person, so my list reflects that. These are my Top 15:
1. Take a Slice by Glass Animals (or really any of their songs)
I am obsessed with Glass Animals. If you want something with a great beat, fun lyrics, and that right mix of angsty and upbeat that can be really helpful for working out, this is a good one Space Ghost Coast to Coast is my second favorite of their songs for working out.
2. Cloudy Day by Tones and I
This song is about as positive and uplifting as it gets. It’s pretty hard to be in a bad mood while listening to this song. It always makes my runs feel more fun and gives me that little boost of energy I need to keep going.

3. I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty (or Bootstraps)
I mean, what a classic. The lyrics are inspiring, the melody is great, it’s basically made for that point in your workout where you want to give up. I’m also obsessed with Bootstraps’ cover of this song.
4. All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers
This one starts kind of slow but then when the tempo speeds up it’s perfection. It’s the kind of song that makes you want to stop your workout and dance like no one’s watching.
5. Temple by Parson James
It’s the lyrics on this one that get me. Whenever I’m feeling angry, frustrated, or wanting to give up on something, this song is a great jolt of inspiration. Plus, it’s just the right mix of poppy and soulful without veering into overly religious (nothing wrong with Christian music, it’s just not my thing).
6. Unstoppable by Sia
Okay, another one where the lyrics are great and inspiring. It’s up-tempo, has great vocals, and will help you push through that last rep. Plus it has 174 BPM, putting it pretty squarely in the ideal 170-180 BPM range.
7. Put It On Me by Matt Maeson
If you like some moody, angsty songs in your workouts like I do (I like to harken back to the angst of mid-2000s songs), then this one’s for you. The beat of this song also comes through really clearly and is great to run to because it’s almost exactly half of the ideal cadence range (82 BPM). That means if you try to hit with the same foot on the beat (your left foot is always coming down on the beat, for example), you’ll be just about at the ideal cadence range.

8. Dead or Alive by Magdalen Duke and Stileto
Can you tell this is another moody, angsty song? It’s Billy Eilish-ish, without being overplayed. It’s another song with a clear beat that will get you feeling a little like you’re a superhero going through your pump-up montage.
9. The Storm by Bronze Radio Return
Like All The Things That I’ve Done, this song starts slow but then really amps up about 2 minutes in. While it’s a bit of time to wait for things to speed up, that kind of transition always gives me a burst of energy. Plus, the strong rhythm, unique voice, and engaging lyrics keep things interesting.
10. In My Blood by The Veronicas
I used to love listening to this song in the car on the way to kickboxing to get myself pumped up and excited. It has a great upbeat melody, will make you want to dance, and is one of those songs that feels both fun and sexy.
11. I Lived by OneRepublic
Some people might make fun of this choice, but haters gonna hate. It’s a super positive song that will get you in the mood for taking chances, pursuing your dreams, and giving whatever you’re doing (including a run or workout) your all.
12. What’s My Age Again by Blink-182
This is another one where some people might laugh, but I don’t care, I have never grown out of loving Blink-182. Their songs are fun, silly, raunchy, and addictive. It’s hard to take your run or workout too seriously when you’re laughing at the singer’s antics in this song.
13. Punga by Klingande
Punga doesn’t have a lot of lyrics, but it more than makes up for it in great instrumentals and rhythm. The only downside it might have for your workout is making you want to stop everything you’re doing and dance.
14. Welcome to Your Life by Grouplove
Coming back to great lyrics, this one is pretty dang inspiring and empowering. If you’re feeling down or unmotivated, this songs uplifting melody and lyrics will really get you going. Like with Matt Maeson’s “Put It On Me,” this song’s BPM is half of the ideal cadence (90 BPM), making it a good one to time your cadence to.
15. Pepas by Farruko
This song is upbeat, addictive, and has the most fun instrumentals. If the horn section doesn’t get you pumped up, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve seen it described as an EDM summer anthem and there’s a good chance it’ll be in your own summer rotation if you start listening to it.
Which songs do you love working out to? Let me know in the comments. And if you like this article, please consider liking, subscribing, or sharing with others, it’s always a big help! For related content, check out my articles on creating a workout you love, my workout personality quiz, rediscovering your fitness motivation, and how to train for a marathon.